Monday, December 6, 2010

Important Information about the Mysterious Katrinka

As you know, Yarnmarket invites pussycat owners from all over the world to submit photographs so their cat might be considered for our Fabulous Felines yarns. We select a cat, work with Iris Schreier to dye her exquisite merino yarn to match the cat, and then we name the yarn after the prize winning feline.

Among the first cats we selected was a mysterious one named Katrinka. Some of you may not have read the entire thread of messages that we received following the selection of Katrinka as a fabulous feline. They're interesting, shocking and -- at times -- horrifying.

If you have not already learned about the activities of Katrinka, and you are curious, you might want to visit the original post to read about her involvement with international incidents of the greatest magnitude.

As you can imagine, we at Yarnmarket were unaware of her affiliations with the "Underworld" when we selected her, but when we attempted to remove her from the list we received letters indicating it would not be in our best interests to do so.

I am telling you this because there has been a recent flurry of activity surrounding Katrinka, and I think it's important to reiterate that Yarnmarket in no way condones the activities of this shape-shifting, uber-assassin pussycat and that it is only for the safety of all our employees, and the continued existence of Pickerington, OH that we permit her to remain a Fabulous Feline.

1 comment:

Leo Pancetta, not affiliated with CIA or any other government agency said...

Can anyone tell me how I can find out if my computer is one of the "zombies" created by Wikileaks? This is very important. I need to know right away.