Within the newsletter, Jan introduced a new free pattern for an Easy Flicker Open-Weave Scarf she designed herself using Berroco Flicker yarn.

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Now...for those of you who wonder, "What's it like to spend a weekend at a monastery?" I have the answer.
Very, very quiet.
On Thursday evening, Alex and I visited St. Meinrad to hear the monks sing. Boy, what a beautiful place! The grounds are really pretty and the buildings are works of art. We enjoyed hearing the monks perform...and I was happy to pat the monks' cat. They have a nice, fat pussycat who lives there and who rushes up to guests for some ear skritches and catty pats. One morning, before services, we saw one of the younger monks outside with the cat. Wish I'd caught of shot of that. They were both dressed in black and white.
As we were leaving, we caught stuck in the elevator. It was an Otis. I made a note of the brand name so I can avoid Otis in the future, but I'm pretty sure they've got the elevator market cornered. The monks really laughed when they finally got us out, and I complained bitterly that I expected a nice reception when we were released like those South American guys got when they came up from the mine.
After that horrifying (okay...funny) experience we went to visit my friend Brother John at Abbey of Gethsemani. He's a great guy and I enjoy talking with him about modern culture and what's going on outside the monastery walls. This serves two purposes: it enables me to vent a bit about girls who won't wear their underpants (like Paris who just turned 30!) and it reconfirms his decision to be a monk.
Alex brought Brother John some nice Canadian ale and a big hunk of cheese. If I were going to give a monk a gift, I'd give him cocoa and homemade marshmallows. But I didn't bring any, and Brother John hinted that he'd really like some, so this weekend I'll be making homemade marshmallows to pack up and send to the monastery.
For Valentine's Day neither Alex nor I had time to buy a card. After 30 years of marriage he'd darned well better love me. And if he doesn't, well...too bad for him. He's stuck with me anyway. (He might not like my stupid sense of humor, but he sincerely appreciates that once each week his drawer magically refills with clean underwear.)
I hope you had a romantic Valentine's Day weekend. I know the monks and I really enjoyed it! And Alex was nice to come along.
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