Yarnmarket will give ALL our profits from the sale of Stephanie’s Freeform Bag Kit to the Red Cross New Zealand. We’ve already discounted these and put them on our sale site, BargainYARNS. Now, they’re not only a great deal, buying one will help the folks in NZ.
We met Stephanie, the creator of these kits, at her little shop just outside of Queenstown, NZ and we liked her products so much we brought them to the USA.
Having visited New Zealand, we’re terribly sad about the earthquake and its impact on all the good people there and we've been trying to find a way to help. We hope you'll buy a bag so we can send the profits to the Red Cross.
I have to say it's lovely to see the international knitting community rallying to help Christchurch. It's not an easy thing being here atm, even though we've been very lucky to have everyone safe and our family homes still liveable, life will never be the same again. It will take years to rebuild and I don't think any of us will ever feel that life is guaranteed to continue as it has in the past ever again.
Sadly, you're probably right. It's going to be a long time before you've recovered from this and, even then, life won't be the same.
We're very sad to see the Cathedral destroyed. It was a beautiful building. We spent a lot of time there when we were in the city because our hotel was right next door.
I haven't checked the real time web cam that looked out on the square in front of the Cathedral, but will have to do that. I suspect it's been knocked down. (We phoned my Mom and had her go to the site where the web cam is so we could wave at her from half way around the world!)
I'm sure that the people of NZ will pull together and do a great job re-building your city.
We watch the news reports and are hoping that many of the missing are found...and that you get all the help you need from the international community.
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