Thursday, July 15, 2010

Something real. Something good. I hope you'll share it with friends.

This post has nothing to do with knitting. It has to do with a young guy in England who is doing reality television programs that aren't your customary sordid, sickening, degrading and vile displays of narcissism and hedonism. Instead, they're positive and they're uplifting. I figure we all need something positive and uplifting right now, so I thought I'd draw your attention to this series.

The Choir is airing on BBC America and it's a terrific show about Gareth Malone, a young choir master, who has gone into schools to create choirs. The show follows some of the kids and their challenges, but is primarily about Gareth's struggles to create a choir while introducing the kids to classical music. I've seen Episode 1 and have DVR'd Episode 2 which aired last night. (Well, I think I DVR'd it!) Even cynical old Alex is enjoying the program, so it doesn't just appeal to soft-hearted wimps like me who get choked up by Hallmark commercials.

Gareth not only created choirs with rag tag teenagers at schools, he's also gone into the small town of South Oxhey to create a choral group. His web site has clips of performances that I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Be sure to look at the town choir's video because it's terrific. Gareth has them singing Leonard Cohen's "Hallelulah" which is one of the most beautiful and haunting songs written in the last century. Click on the video "Unsung Town, Episode 2."

I hope you enjoy it...and I hope you watch The Choir on BBC. Maybe if enough people tune into programs that aren't filthy, degrading or violent, the TV producers in North America will start producing something decent for us to enjoy.

Yeah...right. And I'm going to sprout colorful plumage and fly around Yarnmarket all day.

PS to Gareth -- Can you do some Gabrielli for me? I really love Gabrielli.

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