Friday, September 24, 2010

Knit appreciated globally!

The other day I was working away in my office when a lady dropped in to shop for yarn. We struck up a conversation as I rung up her order and it turned out that she's the Director of Global Knit, a local charity organization that helps people throughout the world. As I learned more about her group, I thought I should pass the information along to our readers.

Heather Brown is hoping to warm the world one stitch at a time. She's a former Peace Corps volunteer who speaks several languages, loves to travel and learn about other culture, and who enjoys volunteering for worthwhile causes. She decided to combine her passions and set up a group that almost acts as a clearing house -- getting the appropriate donated knitted goods to the places they'll best be used. For example, she created kits with facecloths, towels and soap for the people of Haiti. She sends woolen clothes to Afghanistan and Bulgaria. And she also gives clothing, blankets and other items to the local shelters.

Heather has a fairly extensive network, but she could always use more help. If you have any knitted goods that you aren't going to be using or giving away as gifts, please consider sending them to Heather. I know she'll appreciate any help she can get -- whether it's yarn, knitted goods, or money to help pay to ship them to where they're most needed.

You can learn more about her and her needs at the Global Knit web site.

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